
FMDV vaccine strains (O IND R2/1975, A IND 40/2000, and Asia1 IND 63/1972)

The three vaccine strains viz. O IND R2/1975, A IND 40/2000 and Asia1 IND 63/1972 against FMDV serotype O, A and Asia1 are in use as trivalent vaccine since more than one decade for serotype A and more than two decades for O and Asia-1. These have been found to be proven strains and vaccines derived out of these strains have been used in more than 1000 million cattle and Bullalo over the last two decades. The vaccines derived from these strains have reduced the disease incidence to great extent in the country as per the data available.:
Technology Details:
The three vaccine strains viz. O IND R2/1975, A IND 40/2000 and Asia1 IND 63/1972 have been selected through extensive vaccine-matching studies and the serotype O IND R2/1975 and Asia1 IND 63/1972 have found to be potent against the contemporary field isolates (FMD viruses causing the outbreaks) circulating in India as determined by regular and real-time vaccine-matching studies.